Sunday, December 7, 2014

This week in preschool....

We will continue our Winter Holiday Theme this week.  Our letter of the week is Xx.  This letter has two parts to it's letter sound (k-s) and it is usually found at the end of words like fox.  

A great story you can read at home is Gingerbread Boy and there are lots of fun activities to incorporate.

Gingerbread Man  read aloud is here. (Note it is a bit long for younger students.)

Gingerbread Man story is here.  Shorter version but it doesn't have audio.  It has a great number concepts game at the end.

Make a Gingerbread Man Online Game

Mrs. Kieser will not be in the classroom on Monday, Dec 8th.  Mrs. Synek will be the substitute. 

Happy Birthday to Miss Lorrie on Tuesday!

Don't forget Santa Shop is this week.  The preschoolers will be shopping on Thursday (9:45 AM Class and 1:15 PM Class).  If you would like your child to buy gifts for parents/siblings/grandparents please send in $ and the Santa Shop form.  The limit is 6 gifts per child.  You are welcome to send in $/forms any day this week and we will hold onto them until Thursday.  There will be plenty of volunteers to help you child with the Santa shop.  However, if you wish to help your child you are welcome to come in but please go directly to the Santa Shop area when you arrive.  

Preschool Parent Teacher Conferences also continue this week on Thursday/Friday.  Reminder notices with your date/time will be sent home on Tuesday.