Friday, December 12, 2014

Holiday Fun Week

IPS is having a Holiday Fun Week next week. Here is the schedule:

Mon: Wear your holiday accessories (ties, hats, bells, etc)

Tue:  Dress like your favorite holiday character (snowman, reindeers, etc)

Wed:  Wacky Winter dress/  PJ Day for Preschool

Thurs:  Red/Green Day
            Holiday Parties
            Preschoolers will not be participating in the caroling.  If you would like have your child participate, please let me know before Thursday and we can make arrangements for you to "sign your child out early with the office and your child will meet you in the foyer at 2:15.  Please beware that they will miss the holiday party in our classroom if they attend the caroling.  

Happy Birthday to Josh!

Oh and in the spirit of holiday madness ......we bring to you hearing and visions screenings and practicing a few of the school safety drills.

Happy Holidays to you and your families!