Friday, January 10, 2014

Welcome Back, Welcome Winter

This week was a short week as winter decided to show how nasty it can be!  No school on Monday/Tuesday due to the cold temperatures.  Our theme of the week is winter so it is very fitting!  Our letter of the week is Ii and due to the missing a few days, I am going to send our Ii paper and vocab pictures home for homework.  If your child completes homework an returns it, they will get to pick a stamp or sticker.  

Happy 1/2 birthday to Jayden!  

Also, looking ahead....
*  No School on Jan 20th, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
*  Report Cards go home on Friday, Jan 24th.
* Family Fun Friday at the Independence Land Lab is Jan 31st  look for info coming home next week.  This is free and if your child likes animals you won't want to miss this event!