Monday, January 20, 2014

Ears, Eyes, Hands, Nose, and Mouth

This week we are learning about body parts and the five senses. Along with the song Head, Tummy, Knees, and Toes we will be learning letter Nn for nose. 

Eric Carle is a great author and we will be reading another one of his stories this week: From Head to Toe. Listen and follow along with this video of the story.
Everyone loves the song Head Shoulder Knees and Toes....we will do a version call Head Tummy Knees and Toes.   Try it at home with your child, try the classic way or mix it up and create your own version.  It is  great way to teach your child different body parts. Three year olds should know the basics but try adding shoulders, chin, heel, ankle, elbow, wrists, hips for the older kiddos.  

One of our activities this week is making Oobleck....playing with the green slime is always a hit! Check out how to make it here.
Another fun one is  popsicle painting to make scratch n sniff paintings. This is simple yet lots of fun! You can make your own smelly paint at home. You can also freese the "paint" to make popsicles so you don't have to worry about spills. Check out how to make it here. 

**Happy Birthday to Ellie and Gavin this week!

Looking Ahead:
Info was sent home last week about the Teddy Bear Picnic on Feb 4th.  If you would like to volunteer but were not on the list, please let me know.  Please mark your calendar as a reminder to send you child to school with a teddy bear that day!  I will have extras in anyone needs one but the kids really enjoy bringing in theirs.  It will be a "BEARY" special day!