We will continue our letter lessons with week with letter Ss as it ties in so nicely with Halloween. Spooky, spider, and scary are just a few "s" words that the morning class came up with today.
The story The Very Busy Spider is a great one for our young readers as there is a repetitive line that the kids can "read" ("The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web.") We will begin our farm animal unit shortly so it is a great introduction for that. The spider is so busy spinning her web that she doesn't hear any of the animals. There are so many great Halloween stories, it was hard to pick! Our story collection this week also includes: One Hungry Monster, Where the Wild Things Are, Goodnight Goons, Big Scary Monster, and Little Goblins Ten.
Smores start with letter Ss and we will be making this scrumptious snack for our cooking lesson on Tuesday. See the recipe here. For centers on Wednesday we will be painting a spider web using marble painting. Sounds like fun! Other centers will be rhyming picture match and writing letter Ss.
Songs start with Ss....so many Ss words can you think of some at home? Our songs that we will be singing and dancing to are Monster Mash, Five Ugly Monsters, Little Miss Muffet, and There's a Spider on the Floor.
Check out these "scary sites"
* Monster Mash video & song.
* Haunted House: enter if you dare! (it really looks scary at first but cute at the end)
* Halloween Night video & song.
* Pumpkin Pumpkin video & song.

Star students: Megan & Liam
PTO Scholastic Book Fair day is on Thursday for Preschoolers.

Monday, Oct. 31st is Halloween. Please send your child with a costume on or in their bookbag when they come to school. Our classroom parties are 10:00 (AM) and 2:00 (PM). Parents are welcome to join us for the party!