Thursday, October 20, 2011

Character Critters are here!

Meet Fran the Fair Frog......

Fran says:
* List to others
* Follow the rules
* Don't blame others
* Share with others

IPS is kicking off Character Education week this with lots of fun activities including a pep rally and an assembly "The NED Show" (Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best!). In our preschool program we will be using the Character Critters curriculum (see link on the right). Every month we will focus on one of the six pillars of character education. The six pillars include fairness, respect, responsibility, citizenship, caring, trustworthiness. Each month you will receive a W.A.R.M. newsletter which includes a story, activities, and tips for promoting character at home...remember We Are Role Models. October will focus on FAIRNESS.

Our letter this week is letter Ff. We have heard many good "f" words such as fish, fair, frog, friend, and flea! We made fruit smoothies for snack. One of our favorite songs is Five Green and Speckled Frogs.

Stories this week include: Fran and Freddy Clean Up, Did You Fill a Bucket Today?, Frank the Monster Who Wanted to Dance , and Ebenezer Flea and the Right Thing to Do.
Clink on the titles above to go to the book websites. Frank the Monster is available on Tumble Books. It is free to our Independence families and has lots of great books for all ages! Check out the link to the right under "Games & Activities".

We will also have an Author Visit this week! Hannah Budic is the author of Ebenezer Flea & the Right Thing to Do. She will be joining our PM class on Thursday to read her story and talk about honesty and foregiveness. Check out the Ebenezer Flea website here and it is also on a link to the right. If you purchase a book anytime and would like it signed by Hannah, please let me know. She is a former college teammate of mine and good friend.

***Important Notices**
- Early Release on Wed., Oct. 19th. All PM preschool will be dismissed at 2:00. IPS will dismiss one hour early.

- End of the quarter is Oct. 28th. Tuition payment for peers is due for 2nd quarter as well as snack fees if you haven't paid them. Snack fees are $10 per quarter/$40 for the year. Most people have already paid, if you haven't please take care of it before Oct. 31st. Someone sent in $40 cash in a white envelope at the beginning of the year without the students name on it...just says "Miss G" on the front. Please let me know if you think this was your child...I have know way of knowing, but I did keep the envelope!

Star Students this week are Victor and Madelyn.
Happy Birthday to Victor and Miss G!