Announcements & Reminders:
* Mrs. Synek will be the substitute ALL DAY on Monday, Nov. 17th. Mrs. Kieser will return on Tuesday.
* If your child received Special Education services, you should have received a questionnaire: ASQ:SE. Please complete and return it as soon as possible. If you have questions, let Mrs. Kieser know.
* Thanksgiving Feast is at 1:00 this Friday, November 21st at the Civic Center. Please visit the classroom party website to RSVP and sign up to bring something. Thanksgiving Feast Link here:
* Picture Retake Day is Tuesday, Nov 25th. If your child was absent the first time, please send in the picture order form. If you want pictures re-taken, please return the old pictures.
* Thanksgiving Break: No School November 26-28th.