Sunday, October 19, 2014


This week is I-Pride week at IPS.  Please wear something to show your Independence Blue Devil Pride on Monday. We have filled the school with lots of pride and are learning how we can be responsible, respectful, caring, trustworthy, fair and good citizens.  We will continue to reinforce these positive character traits throughout the year.  If you are looking for some resources to use at home on character education check out the ones listed below.
Our letter of the week is letter Ff for friends!  The PM class will be attending an I-Pride Pep Assembly on Monday afternoon. Children will be participating in a project called LOVE ROCKS.  The preschoolers will be making Love Rocks in class to help spread some love and joy!  They may choose to give their Love Rock to a friend,someone they love, someone they see who made need a little love and joy, or they can simply leave it someplace such as the library/park for someone to find. It is amazing how something so simple can really make someone's day!  Love Rocks is a project started by a friend's family after a very tragic accident.  You can check out more about Love Rocks by clicking here or also find it on Facebook.

BOOK FAIR is also here this week.  The Preschoolers will be going to the Book Fair on Thursday.  There will be plenty of volunteers to help your child, however if you would like to help them shop, please meet them at the Book Fair during their shopping time:  AM 9:00-9:30     PM 1:30-2:00.