Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Establishing a Positive Bathroom Routine: 
The “POOP” on Toileting
Are you struggling with toilet training your young child with special needs?
Bring your questions and concerns to this parenting SERIES featuring Jene Wilson, former behavior specialist with CCBDD and currently a faculty member at Notre Dame College. Jene will help parents understand the signs of toileting readiness, the challenges of teaching toileting, and some strategies for success. There will be ample opportunity to ask questions and seek strategies specific to your child. A commitment to both sessions is highly recommended!
Wednesday, November 20 &
Wednesday, December 4
: 5:45 pm 6:00 pm Program: 6:00 pm 8:00 pm
Family Connections at Shaker Family Center 19824 Sussex Road, Shaker Heights
-REGISTRATION REQUIRED, BY Friday, November 15 -Free Childcare Provided-
To register, send an email to hpalda@familyconnections1.org, or call Family Connections at 216-921-2023.
(Please indicate if you will need childcare)