Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy Halloween

This week is a fun filled week as the excitement of Halloween is filling the air!  Our letter of the week is letter Bb for bat.   Our Halloween parties are on Thursday and will begin at 10:00 (AM) and 2:00 (PM).  Please send your child either wearing their costume or send it with them.  We will take pictures before the party so please do not wait and bring the costume with you at the party.  Only room helpers are asked to attend the party, however ALL parents are welcome to join us for the parades at 10:45 (AM) and 2:30 (PM).

Check out these "scary sites"
* Monster Mash video & song.

* Haunted House: enter if you dare! (it really looks scary at first but cute at the end)

* Halloween Night video & song.