Saturday, April 27, 2013

Seeds and Sprouts

This week we our learning about seeds and plants since April is Garden month. Spring is here and plants should be sprouting up everywhere!

Our letter of the week is Rr for roses and rain. On Tuesday we will be planting green bean seeds. Let's hope they grow!

Our song that we are learning this week is called Dig A Little Hole.
Dig a little hole
Plant a little seed
Pour a little water
And pull a little weed 

Check out these fun activties: 

We have continued working on writing our numbers 1-10.  Our coin we learned this week was the quarter.  "Quarter, quarter, big and bold, You're worth 25, I am told."
Can your child find a quarter?  Our money unit was simply an introduction to money. At this age they aren't expected to know all of the coins.  However, simple sorting or "finding" activities that allow children to explore money are great for the preschoolers.

Looking ahead....our last Early Dismissal of the year is next Wed, May 1st.  Preschool will not participate in Early Dismissal however if you would like to pick up your child at 2:15 please let us know. Thank you for your cooperation as we work through this.  This will NOT be a problem next year as there will NO early dismissals for the entire district.