Saturday, March 23, 2013

Last Week Before Spring Break!

Next week is the last week before spring break.  Our theme is Easter and we will be learning letter Ee for egg.  It will be a week filled with lots of fun activities such as painting eggs, going on an egg hunt, and on Thursday we will have a small Easter party. The head room parents will contact you if you signed up to donate.  We are trying to keep this party small and simple by just having a snack as it is a crazy week with lots of activities.

Please send in 20 FILLED eggs with your child before Thursday.  They will also need a basket or bag for our egg hunt on Thursday.

I hope everyone has a great Spring Break!  School will resume on April 8th.

**Looking Ahead:  There is an Early Release on April 10th.  IPS dismisses at 2:15 PM.  However preschool will follow their regular schedule and any parent who wishes to pick up their child may do so.  
