Thursday, January 17, 2013

Polar Bears, Penguins, & Pancakes!

Pp is our letter of the week and out theme is Arctic Animals (penguins/polar bears) but we can't do Pp week without making pancakes. We will be making pancakes for our cooking lesson to go with our story on Monday. 

Other stories we will be reading include 
Pancakes Pancakes!Bear Snores On, Lil Pip Where is Home, and Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear?

Miss Pam is a naturalist at the Brecksville Nature Center.  She visited our preschool on Tuesday and brought animal fur for us to see and feel.  She taught us about what animals we might see in the winter and what they need to survive.  Check out the pics in the Jan Photo Album.

Below are the songs/finger plays that we will be doing this week.

Peter Penguin
Peter, Peter Penguin, marching by (March)
Toes turned out and head held high (Stand Tall)
A long black coat (Point Like Coat)
And a clean white vest (Rub Chest)
Peter, Peter Penguin, you're the best (Do Tony Tiger Their Great Gesture)

Six Little Penguins
Six little penguins off an iceberg did dive,
One bumped his beak, then there were five.
Five little penguins swam the ocean floor,
One saw a whale, then there were four.
Four little penguins spun around, whee-ee!
One spun off, then there were three!
Three little penguins, with nothing to do,
One went fishing, then there were two.
Two little penguins, having lots of fun,
One fell of, then there was one.
One little penguin, when the day was done,
Went home to sleep, then there were none.

Looking for some ideas at home? Check out these fun activities:

Ice Cube Painting
Wou will need: Penguin pattern, powdered paint, ice cube with Popsicle stick.

Directions: Freeze Popsicle sticks into ice cubes. Have the children sprinkle powder paint on white paper and paint with an ice cube on a stick.

Penguin Puzzle (Online Game)

Penguin, Penguin (Non fiction)
Rumble, Grumble, Gurgle (fiction)

Did You Know........
• What kind of animals are penguins? (birds )
• Do penguins fly? (no)
• Are penguins found south or north of the equator? (south)
• How long can a penguin hold its breath under water? (about 3 minutes)
• What do penguins eat? (fish )

Penguin Ice Experiment : Freeze a long pan of water and have several objects, some that will slide on the ice and some that will not (cotton balls, dry beans, piece of felt, plastic penguin figurine, etc.). Predict and then test .... “Will It Slide?”

Movie Night! Cuddle up with a blanket and watch these great penguin movies: Happy Feet and Madagascar.