Thursday, September 27, 2012

Important Notice: Please Read Carefully!

Due to safety and concerns, we are going to change the drop off and pick up locations.  I apologize for another change but we are trying to find a solution that works best.

This change will take effect on Monday, October 1st.  Please share it with relatives/sitters that maybe helping provide transportation for your child.

AM Class:  8:40-11:10
Drop Off:  Parents will drop off at the "back door" by the 4th grade/playground area. I will still greet each child at the car so you do not need to leave your car as long as you are "driving through".  Please follow the traffic pattern. 

Pick Up:  Parents will pick up in the front circle by the office.  I will still walk each child to their car so you do not need to leave your car.  

PM Class: 12:30-3:00
Drop Off:  Parents will drop off in the front circle by the office.  I will still greet each child at their car so you do not need to leave your car as long as you are "driving through".  Please follow the traffic pattern. 

Pick Up:  Parents who have been picking up "down the hill" will pick up at the "back door" by the 4th grade/playground area.  I will still walk each child to their car so you do not need to leave your car as long as you are "driving through".  Please follow the traffic pattern.  Parents who are picking up older siblings we will continue with the foyer/office routine.  

*  Miss G or Miss Barb will still greet each child at the drop off areas so please do not let them walk into school alone. If you are late, you will need to walk your child into school when dropping off.  If you are late picking up, you will need to park and enter the school and check in at the office.

*  You may drop off 10 minutes prior to class start time.  Supervision will not be available prior to that time.

*  If you are leaving your car, it MUST be parked in a designated/marked parking space.

* Please follow traffic patterns and drive slowly to help ensure everyone's safety...there are lots of children around!  Please see the map that was sent home for traffic patterns (always drive counter-clockwise).

Thank you for your cooperation!