Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ho Ho Ho!

Hopefully every is on the NICE list...Santa is checking!

This week is letter Hh week. Take a look at our gingerbread houses we made.

For cooking lesson we made hot chocolate. We have made lots of fun crafts including a hippo puzzle, a Rudolph, and an elf.

Our stories this week included: Hide and Seek Hippo, Santa Lost His Ho Ho Ho, Llama Llama Holiday Drama, and Elf on the Shelf. I can't want to see where the elf is tomorrow...can you find him? But remember, you cannot touch him or he will lose his magic!

Star Student: Addison
Next Week's Star Students: Luke & Evan

Monday- wear all of you Christmas apparrel...deck out in red and green!
Tuesday- Holiday Party 10:00/2:00
Wednesday- Pajama Day...we will be "BELIEVING" as we watch Polar Express and enjoy some popcorn!