This week the children will be doing their chores to help take care of our farm animals using the iPad. A few of our chores include shearing the sheep, washing the picks, hatching the chick eggs, & feeding the cats. What fun!! If you have an iPad or iTouch check out Injini. It is a little pricey but a great APP for preschoolers.
Below are some online stories you can enjoy at home.
The Little Red Hen (online version)
Mr. Bunny's Carrot Soup (online version)
Farm Animals (online movie)
Here are a couple computer game you can play at home:
Create an animal farm
The Little Red Hen (online version)
Mr. Bunny's Carrot Soup (online version)
Farm Animals (online movie)
Here are a couple computer game you can play at home:
Create an animal farm
* Tues, Nov 11th is Veteran's Day. Please have your child wear RED, WHITE, or BLUE.
* Preschool Parent teacher conferences will be rescheduled for after Thanksgiving. Both conference dates from October and the ones that are scheduled for this Thursday/Friday. By postponing the conferences, it will give me a chance spend more time in the classroom with your child and allow for a better conference. I apologize for the inconvenience. A letter will go home next week with the dates for you to select your conference.
* Thanksgiving Feast is FRIDAY, Nov. 21st. We will be doing a combined Feast this year. A flyer will be coming home in the next few days. Families (including grandma and grandpa) are welcome to attend!