Saturday, December 14, 2013

Holiday Week

Please join IPS in a week full of festive cheer!
Monday:  Wear your Christmas hat, headpiece, tie, etc.
Tuesday:  Wacky Christmas/Ugly Sweater
Wednesday:  Christmas pins, scarves, or socks
Thursday:  Wear red or green

**Friday is pajama day…don’t worry though, preschool will have a pajama day in January!

Preschoolers will learn the letter Hh this week.  Who says "Ho ho ho?  Dear Old Santa!  We will be writing some letters to Santa Clause too!  If your little one has been singing some songs, we have been practicing some fun non-traditional songs.  The boys and girls at IPS have been looking for Elfie everyday.  He has been up to some mischievous things lately… in Mr. Dave's fish tank, decorating the Christmas tree with toilet paper, taking some pictures with Mr. Gruber's camera, and taking a bath in a cup of marshmallows.  Elfie must be bored when all the children are home and he has no elves to play with at school!

Holiday Party is Thursday.  If you have questions about the party please contact the head room parent. 
AM:  Jackie Mack
PM:  Amanda Jaronowski and Jennifer Krysiak