Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Smile! :)

This week is Character Counts Week at IPS.  We have filled the school with lots of pride and are learning how we can be responsible, respectful, caring, trustworthy, fair and good citizens.  We will continue to reinforce these positive character traits throughout the year.  If you are looking for some resources to use at home on character education check out the ones listed below.

Character Critters

Character Counts Wesbite

Our letter of the week is letter Ss, for smile!  Just a simple smile can brighten someone's day. Spider, sun, scarecrows are great "S" words.  Smores start with letter Ss and we will be making this scrumptious snack for our cooking lesson on Thursday.See the recipe here
Songs start with many Ss words can you think of some at home? Our songs that we will be singing and dancing to are Eensy Weensy Spider and There's a Spider on the Floor.

*  Book Fair is on Thursday.  Parents are welcome to meet their child to help them shop.  If you can't attend, there will be volunteers to help them.

* Family Fun RSVPs are due by the end of the week. I need to purchase the tickets on Friday so please send it in if you plan to attend.

* Our Halloween Parties are next Thursday, October 31st. More info to come early next week.

* Check out the October Picture Album by clicking on the PICTURE tab above.  I added some pictures from our fall hike, pumpkin decorating, and some other classroom activities.