Monday, April 29, 2013

Family Fun Friday at the Zoo!

Friday, May 24, 2013          10:00 - ???

*    I will be at the entrance to the zoo from 10:00-10:15 to pass out wristbands (where you ENTER THE ZOO NOT the ticket window).  From there we will head towards the Northern Trek first.  If you are late, please do the best you can to find us.  However I will not be able to give you a wrist band as they will not hold them at the window. 
*    Lunch:  Meet at the Pavilion at approximately 11:30.  You may bring your own lunch or buy lunch at the food court.  You may choose to carry your lunch with you or I will have a large box to store them in but the box will stay at the pavilion while we are visiting the zoo.
*    You do not have to stay with our group but it would be nice for the children to visit the zoo with their peers.
*    Dress for the weather. The trip will be held rain or shine. 
*    Our IPS Preschoolers are FREE!  Every IPS Preschool student is FREE along with ONE adult.  If you have zoo memberships you may use them.  Otherwise, you will need to purchase regular tickets at the ticket window for any additional adults or children.