Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas is Coming!

Hopefully every is on the NICE list...Santa is checking!

 This week if Gg week so we had lots of fun making gifts for our loved ones and with the Gingerbread Baby! We read the story by Jan Brett (check out wesbite here), made gingerbread cookies, and even made a scratch and sniff gingerbread baby craft. It was so much fun and our classroom smells great!

Cupcake flew to our classroom all the way from the North Pole.  She is our Elf on the Shelf.   I can't want to see where the elf is tomorrow...can you find him? But remember, you cannot touch him or he will lose his magic!

Star Students:  Lorice and Patrick

Happy Birthday to Patrick!

Monday- wear all of you Christmas apparrel...deck out in red and green!
Tuesday- Wacky Christmas Day.  Wear all of the crazy hats, bells, and whatever else you can find.
Wednesday- Pajama Day...we will be "BELIEVING" as we watch Polar Express and enjoy some popcorn!
Thursday- Last Day of School until Jan 7th!  Holiday Parties in the classroom at 10:00 & 2:00