Thank you to all of the parents who came out to Patterson's Fruit Farm on Friday. The weather cleared up just long enough for us to take a tour and have some fun! Pictures are posted and can be viewed here.
This week we will be learning about apples and the letter Aa. We will be making a handprint apple tree for you to see. Other activities include making apple crisp (recipe here), graphing our favorite apple color, drinking apple juice, tasting applecause, and counting/writing numbers for apple seeds, and singing silly songs like Apples and Bananas.
A few stories that we will be reading include Ducking for Apples and Ten Apples Up On Top. Check out this animated video of the story here.
**Parents: Please send in ONE apple with your child on Tuesday for our classroom activities.
Our star students this week are Mark and Joanna.
Happy Birthday to Mark!