This week we have lots of fun activities planned for our Halloween theme. Our letter of the week is Ss for spider and we will be making S'mores for our cooking lesson. Six starts with letter s and is our number of the week. There are so many great spider and halloween stories it was hard to choose! Stories this week include Itsy Bitsy Spider (by Chapman), Miss Spider's Tea Party (by David Kirk), The Very Busy Spider (By Eric Carl), and Hallo-Wiener (by Dave Pilkey). Mrs. Prahler will be playing Halloween Bingo with us on Wednesday. We are also learning several nursery rhymes inlcuding Eensy Weensy Spider, Little Miss Muffet, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Our Room Parents are busy planning our Halloween Parties for Thursday. The AM party is at 10:00 and the PM party is at 2:00. Please send your child to school with their costume or they can wear it to school.
Our Room Parents are busy planning our Halloween Parties for Thursday. The AM party is at 10:00 and the PM party is at 2:00. Please send your child to school with their costume or they can wear it to school.
Check out these fun Halloween activtities: