Monday, January 24, 2011

Being Healthy is Fun!

This week we will our two week unit about healthy bodies. We will spend this week exploring how to keep our bodies healthy with nutrition and exercise. Our letter of the week is Xx for x-ray and for eXercise. Check out for more letter the week words. We will be making CheX MiX for our cooking lesson this week. This is always a huge hit with the kids. Visit for several recipe varieties you can try at home.

Dole has a great website for kids......check out SuperKids for fun way to get healthy. Here are two games on their website:
1. Catapult Game
2. Drop & Catch

Many activties in the classroom will relate to our story, The Very Hungry Caterpiller. Watch this great video version of the book. There are so many great concepts in this story including sequencing, days of the week, numbers, food groups, and the life cycle of a butterfly. Click here for website #1 that has lots of great ideas you can do with your child. The ideas are endless. Here is website #2 with more activities from DLTK. The kids loved reading this story.....let them help you read as they can repeat the phrase "but it he was still hungry."
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We are really working hard to learn our numbers 1-5 and also extending patterns. You can reinforce this concepts at home very easily. Check out this link that has information regarding Math Activities for Preschoolers.

Here are some ideas you can try at home:
Egg Crate Counting
Take a simple egg crate and number the bottom of each space with permanent marker from one to five. The extra spaces can be cut off or left blank. Give your preschooler a plastic bag full of any small, interesting items like mini-M&Ms, jelly beans, beads, dried peas, pebbles, etc. Have your child match the number of items to the corresponding number in each space. To make the game more fun and challenging and to develop small hand coordination, have the child use child's-sized plastic tweezers to place the items in the cups. Children can also use the same items to fill plastic Easter eggs with numbers on them.

Sticker Chart
Take a piece of butcher block paper and write the number symbols from one to five vertically on the paper. Give your child an inexpensive book of stickers. Have the child put the correct number of stickers next to each number. Children may also enjoy drawing the correct number of pictures or gluing the correct number of pompoms or buttons on the paper.

Patterning: Fruit Loop Necklace
Making necklaces by stringing fruit loops on yarn is a preschool math activity that can reinforce many skills. First have your child sort the fruit loops by color. Then use the different colors to create patterns. String a pattern on yarn first and then ask your child to create the same pattern. Have your child create a pattern for you to create. When a necklace has been strung, have the child count the loops as he slides them. Children love to practice counting backwards as they eat the cereal off their necklace. Make sure to wash hands before this activity!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Short Week!

With school being closed on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr., this week is going to be a short week.

This week the preschoolers are learning about space ( focusing on sun, moon, stars, Earth). There isn't a ton of resources out there for this theme but I have managed to find a few.
Click here for an online book called The Flying Train.

Our letter of the week is Ss for sun and star. We will be learning a few nursery rhymes including Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star & Star Light, Star Bright. To go along with our letter Ss, we will be making star sandwiches (PB & J using a star cut out) for our cooking lesson on Tuesday. We are working hard on number recognition so our story Five Shiny Stars will help us with the number 5 this week.

Reminder that Family Fun Friday is this Friday. Please arrive at the Children's Musuem by 12:45 so that we can pay the admission and begin our tou promptly at 1:00. We have a very large group this time!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Penguins, Polar Bears, Pancakes, & Pigs

Pp is our letter of the week and out theme is Arctic Animals (penguins/polar bears) but we can't do Pp week without reading the story If You Give a Pig a Pancake. We will be making pancakes for our cooking lesson to go with our story on Tuesday. Click here for the recipe card.

Other stories we will be reading include The Penguin Who Wanted to Fly, Penguin Pete, Cuddly Dudley Tacky the Penguin, and Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear?
Wednesday is PAJAMA DAY for preschoolers! Wear your PJ's to school.

Below are the songs/finger plays that we will be doing this week.
Peter Penguin
Peter, Peter Penguin, marching by (March)
Toes turned out and head held high (Stand Tall)
A long black coat (Point Like Coat)
And a clean white vest (Rub Chest)
Peter, Peter Penguin, you're the best (Do Tony Tiger Their Great Gesture)

Six Little Penguins
Six little penguins off an iceberg did dive,
One bumped his beak, then there were five.
Five little penguins swam the ocean floor,
One saw a whale, then there were four.
Four little penguins spun around, whee-ee!
One spun off, then there were three!
Three little penguins, with nothing to do,
One went fishing, then there were two.
Two little penguins, having lots of fun,
One fell of, then there was one.
One little penguin, when the day was done,
Went home to sleep, then there were none.

Looking for some ideas at home? Check out these fun activities:

Ice Cube Painting
Wou will need: Penguin pattern, powdered paint, ice cube with Popsicle stick.
Directions: Freeze Popsicle sticks into ice cubes. Have the children sprinkle powder paint on white paper and paint with an ice cube on a stick.

Penguin Puzzle (Online Game)

Penguin, Penguin (Non fiction)
Rumble, Grumble, Gurgle (fiction)

Did You Know........
• What kind of animals are penguins? (birds )
• Do penguins fly? (no)
• Are penguins found south or north of the equator? (south)
• How long can a penguin hold its breath under water? (about 3 minutes)
• What do penguins eat? (fish )

Penguin Ice Experiment : Freeze a long pan of water and have several objects, some that will slide on the ice and some that will not (cotton balls, dry beans, piece of felt, plastic penguin figurine, etc.). Predict and then test .... “Will It Slide?”

Movie Night! Cuddle up with a blanket and watch these great penguin movies: Happy Feet and Madagascar.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome Winter!

I hope Santa found his way to everyone's house and you had a wonderful holiday season. Welcome to the New Year and back to school this week!
Our theme this week is WINTER and will focus on the season of winter. Our letter of the week is Ii for ice. We will be doing two cooking lessons this week, but both are very simple. On Tuesday we will make ice cream sundaes for our letter Ii...brrr just like winter! We will warm up with some hot cocoa on Wednesday. Our stories this week will include A Little Bit of Winter, The Biggest Snowman, and two Jan Brett stories called The Hat and The Mitten. The kids loved retelling The Mitten as they each had a mask to pretend to be one of the animals squeezing into the mitten. Click here or on the links below to check out the Jan Brett link for some activities/games related to her stories.

Animal Matching Game (Printable)
Numbers Game (Printable)
Mouse Concentration (Online)
Print Animal Masks to retell story
For our craft, we colored and decorated a pair of mittens to go along with our story. The children will also be painting snowy day this week. Our songs this week include Snowy Pokey and Chubby Little Snowman.
Chubby Snowman
I had a chubby snowman, he had a carrot nose.
Along came a bunny, And what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny, looking for his lunch,
Ate that snowman's nose. . . NIBBLE, NIBBLE, CRUNCH!!

Snowy Pokey
You put your right mitten in, You take your right mitten out,
You put your right mitten in and you shake it all about.
You do the Snowey pokey and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about.
Continue with additional verses:
You put your left mitten in
You put your scarf in
You put your right boot in
You put your left boot in
You put your hat in
You put your snowself in

Here are some other computer game you might enjoy!
Snowman Puzzle
Dress up snowman

If your looking for something to do at home....make homemade ice cream in a ziploc bag. It is easy and lots of fun! Click here for directions.